
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Fruity Quiz For All

Which fruit ...
1) never seems to grow old? MangosTEEN
2) as an adult cannot keep still? MAN-GO
3) is a very big tough nut to crack? CocoNUT
4) can make you go crazy? (Go) BANANA
5) is a "Yes" fruit? PapaYA ('Yes' in German)
6) is bald outside and husky inside? COCONUT
7) has a permanent hairy tan? RambuTAN (rambut=hair)
8) comes with Audio Visual Aids? GuAVA
9) can be considered to be showy and most vain? STARfruit
10) is seldom or hardly liked by foreigner Ian? DurIAN
11) comes from neither pine nor apple tree? PINE-APPLE
12) is regarded as father's favourite? PAPAya
13) is stuck to the ape? GrAPE
14) is prime suspect in any rape case? GRAPE
15) will listen to you carefully? PEAR
16) will remind the female to do a smear? PAPaya
17) belongs to the pea family? PEAr
18) has non-sticky tar? STARfruit
19) tells you that mail is on the way? MEL('mail' in Malay)-ON
20) is the result to two companies joining up? CoConut
Results: 1 - 10 correct = You certainly need to get to know your fruits better.
11 - 15 correct = Not too bad, with room still for improvement.
16 - 20 correct = You certainly 'laterally' love your fruits! Congrats!
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng

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