
Monday, March 17, 2008

To Others About AIDS - (Ref:UNDP2003)

Warn others about AIDS
Do it before it's too late!
Scare others about AIDS
Do it before they even start to date!
Educate others about AIDS
Do it before they're old enough to mate!
Steer others away from AIDS
Do it before any love turns to hate!
Reach out to others about AIDS
Do it before they turn into dead pate!
Preach to others about AIDS
Do it before heaven closes its gate!
Teach all students about AIDS
Do it urgently before they graduate!
Remind others about AIDS
Do it before they blame it on fate!
Breakthrough to others about AIDS
Do it before there's no brake to its rate!
Plead to all worthy politicians about AIDS
Do it before the population continues to bate!
Alert one and all you meet about AIDS
Do it before AIDS deaths continue, never to sate!
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 120403 & 170308
[Rock others about AIDS]

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