
Monday, November 12, 2007

What's So Yellow About Yellow?

The previous hot colour was red when some neighbouring country had its internal problem.
Now the in-colour is yellow and I'm reminded of the following:
In one song we have the famous 'yellow bird' with its freedom high up among the trees.
Then another song reminds us that we all live in the 'yellow submarine' (possibly the best way to travel around where water is deep enough whenever the major arterial roads are blocked or jammed for reasons best known to those involved either way up or down the coutry) and we'll be better off being together rather than to sink or swim separately.
One popular ballad sings of the need to tie a 'yellow ribbon' onto the tree as a sign, symbol, or message to a loved one.
It is my sincere hope that no international psychiatrist will think that so many folks have 'gone bananas' over the yellow colour (still remember young kids teasing, "Yellow, yellow, dirty fellow!"?)
Perhaps we must really pity the yellow Di Gi folks who are now in danger of being out of business or job with so much friendly competition going on around the place while some others have created or suddenly suffered such a phobia for the bright (& sometimes not so bright like beige as well in the airport) yellow colour (normally associated with 'gold' &/or royalty [eg. ceremonial umbrella] in certain countries worldwide that practically anything yellow has been condemned or even 'banned' (but until now I still don't know under which man-made law or on what logical basis and for how long?)
Can any sane, rational person ever even regard a yellow (chosen for visibility &/or safety purposes) raincoat as being a dangerous apparel when it is worn on a rain day (with or without acid rain)?
Are the Buddhist holy people no longer allowed to wear their saffron (also striking yellow) in public anymore?
What about those innocently labelled as 'yellow skinned'?
Can we humbly beg to ask, "Who is really yellow over yellow?"
May God save all His nations, whatever their colours [red & yellow, black & white - all are precious in His sight], in this world! Amen!
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 101107
Motivation In Motion

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